Recent content by marklogan

  1. marklogan

    Magento Ajax Filter Suggestions?

    Hi I currently work on a Magento website in my full time job role. We have an ajax filter to narrow down your product selection which is a pre built Magento extension that our developers suggested and implemented when the site was built. The problem I can see from an SEO point of view is that...
  2. marklogan

    Magento Problem

    Hi guys I'm pretty new to Magento and I'm looking for a bit of advice. Is there a way you can add a product to a website without an 'add to bag' option. I've tried adding a virtual product which removes the need for controlling stock but it still puts an add to bag button on the site...
  3. marklogan

    Use of car images in print work

    I used to work at Auto Trader and I'm sure it was newspress that we used as well for decent quality images of the cars.
  4. marklogan

    SEO Elite Software

    Hi My bosses have asked me to purchase some SEO software to look at competitors backlinks etc. They have been recommended SEO Elite and have asked me to purchase it. I'm a bit reluctant though for two reasons. One is that their site looks like a complete scam site and doesn't exactly fill...
  5. marklogan

    Help with fonts.

    I'm not sure if some tattooists even use font's as a reference or if some have done text over and over again in different styles that they can create their own freehand design. Someone else might be able to give you a better answer and I'd be interested to find out
  6. marklogan

    Some Logos

    I think for a starting point you're on the right tracks. If you aren't that experienced with Illustrator or Photoshop you've done a good job. Like GilmoreVisuals says, they are a bit predictable, especially the leaf one which has been done a good few times before. There's a few good books on...
  7. marklogan

    Church Logo

    I like the 2nd and 3rd versions. It might be a bit too gimicky but try especially on the 3rd version to take the curve off the 't' in 'bethel' and it'll be a straight cross. It'll just reinforce the idea that it's for the church. Give it a go and see what you think
  8. marklogan

    Javascript For Beginners

    Hi Since I'm back into a job with normal hours again, I've decided it's time to learn myself some new skills. I think Javascript will be my first thing to get into as it'll accompany my HTML and CSS knowledge. Does anyone have any recommendations of where would be the best sites to learn...
  9. marklogan

    Career rut?

    There's no harm in applying for middleweight jobs and I guess you're more likely to get interviews for those than senior ones anyway. I'm not saying aim for these but at least if you get an interview, you get a chance to have a chat with the interviewers and discuss your ambitions and tell them...
  10. marklogan

    Wordpress "Like" Button Help

    Taking this thread off on a bit of a tangent, what is your opinion of the like button? Do you find that people use it much and does it generate much in the way of extra clients to your sites or fans to your facebook pages? I'm deliberating getting it set up on every product page for my...
  11. marklogan

    Your SEO Tools/Strategy

    Thanks for that Berry. Total schoolboy error. I was updating my site the other night for the first time in ages and obviously didn't spellcheck it. The site needs redesigning and has done for ages. It's just finding the time to do it. Thanks again Mark
  12. marklogan

    The Redundancy Thread

    That was quick. It took me ages to get back into a design role after being made redundant. Well done mate!
  13. marklogan

    Your SEO Tools/Strategy

    Alright everyone? I was just wondering what everyone's number one SEO tool is? Mine would probably either be the Google keyword tool which I can't do without at the minute in my job. Also what kind of SEO strategy do you adopt? Do you concentrate on certain things more than others or try to...
  14. marklogan

    Design Logo - critique please

    From the new thumbnails that you've provided I would probably say I like the last one. Are you using any kind of colour? I know that it's obviously got to work in black and white but I was just interested
  15. marklogan

    Advice on my logo

    I have to agree with Webian. The palm of the hand might come across as being like a "stop" sign and detracting from your audience rather than adding to it. The edges look rather pixelated in places and I agree that you'd probably be better using a sans serif font and maybe tweaking certain...