Which magazine?

Hi guys,

I'm an in house designer working on B2B projects based in the UK. I've been asked to get a magazine subscription of my choice for ideas etc. but don't know which one would be most useful for this business kind of environment.... Which do you guys suggest?!

Any help would be much appreciated! Thinking of either computer arts or creative review, or maybe design week.... What do you think?

Design week don't do print magazines anymore, but their website is worth the subscription. Computer Arts is great for the tutorials (I find that often only because I hadn't thought to even seek out that particular tutorial), but CR is best for inspiration. Eye magazine is good if you like the indepth analysis of trends/ideas/direction. Though I tend to find my inspiration comes from magazines placed outside the graphic design world proper - Ikon is one that I always end up with a sketchpad/computer open with, and that's product desing/architecture. I do love a well designed chair...

You'll perhaps get more out of an online subscription than print, if it's purely inspiration you are after.
Design Week is the same as any other publication ending in Week, it focuses on the business side of things and what's happening with the movers and shakers. Not exactly inspirational.

Computer arts is good for tutorials, but I often find that knowing how to use PS Elements to make a Salvador Dali inspired butterfly morphing into a tigers face, with a realistic canvas texture, rather limited in it's potential application. (Much better to decide what you want to do then find out how rather than allowing software knowledge to dictate a concept).

Creative Review is your best bet and a collection if past issues is always handy to leaf through during a quite afternoon.