Welcome page on portfolio


Junior Member
hey guys, been a while.

started to update my site a bit, got new work to be added and working on a new colour scheme since atm my site is very grey. just wondering what you guys thought of welcome pages, do you have them? or is your homepage simply your portfolio? i've started to work a welcome page into my site, simply saying hey i'm gareth blah blah, and then a couple of links to my recent work.

you guy's reckon they're worth it, or should i just link straight to my folio?
as said personal preference although personally I feel there are some benefits to using the 'homepage' for seo use so a 'welcome' text can be used for that if you get what I mean :)
I would ask your self what is the point of the page?

If it has a purpose than yeah go for it; but, if all it is doing is putting an extra Micro Action in the way of a user (adding to probably quite a few others) then why, o lord why waste your time? :)

You should make your home page different from the portfolio. As you said "i've started to work a welcome page into my site, simply saying hey i'm gareth blah blah, and then a couple of links to my recent work." make home page, portfolio, contact, one or two pages if you need.