UniqueGifts One Page Layout


Okay, so was looking around that 99Designs again, and found another decently easy (for me) design to try and take on.

It is a gift site, and they needed one page with different things one. I tried to get on what i could. (I know theres a space, i'll get rid of it, unless i figure out what i can add there).
I have also added a Sign In, and Sign Up at the top right.


Once again, just trying to get better by actually doing.
It looks better than the previous web design you showed us, but it looks too much like a template and not a unique design I think that's because there's too much white in it. Really good though.. Maybe try to make it a bit more colour full and make it stand out more because it's a gift shop and generally gift shops have a very colourful & attractive website.
Yeah, i see what you mean. Thanks, i'll try and add a bit more colour to it, normally though when i try that it makes it all go caput.

Still, i'll try :D