Positioning of these links.. across browsers..ughh help..

Try deleting all styles from #col1 form p {} and starting again. Can't be much, but it's not fair that you're fixing it :(
FIXED IT!! :) ok.. well i fixed the other 2 things.. just facebook and twitter links to go :) thanks for being reassuring people i really thought i must be really stupid and a failure if i cant do this.. glad someone else failed instead.. cause it is kinda bad styling some ofit..
Hay Emma,
Sorry haven't read all the posts but from what I read you are having problems in specific browsers?
Why not just write browser specific code and fix it in each????


The first one will set it for all browsers including Opera, the second one will only effect webkit browsers so both Safari and Chrome, and the last one will fix Firefox.

So in the above example
The id gets a margin right of 20px for all browsers IE, Opera all, for all webkit only browers that gets increased to 200px but they also get a margin-top of 400px applied none of the others do, and only firefox gets a margin right of 2000px and a red background.

Simples. :)
OK, thanks to share elements problem. I will try to do it