Personal Rebrand - New Website

Interesting stuff cheers! ;)

In my opinion, the whole bar at the top serves as the branding and I feel it works well. And JazaJay, thanks for taking the time to write that! Although, with me being a print designer and having no clue about coding, I found I was thinking about monkeys a bit while trying to read it!

I've found that most things load up in decent time, including the case studies (which are maybe 2MB each max and I don't really want to compress them too much more for quality reasons).

I am concerned about getting poor search engine responses but in all honesty I don't really understand quite what you're talking about, other than changing my title (which I feel sounds much more long winded your way, and possibly unnecessary as I certainly wouldn't type 'based in' into google if I was looking for something). And adding tags to the images is something I have read about previously, but not had chance to go through them all and update. I'm not sure what you mean by saying text & new work are invisible to search engines either?

Anyway, that aside, I've taken out one of the 'selected work' thumbnails at the top and squeezed things in a bit to make it fit a smaller screen a little better. There's not much more I can do with it in this format and I'm happy with the look (I know, typical print designer attitude) so I'm keen to keep it. Hopefully it looks smart and is useable, that's my main aim.
