My First Business Card - Thoughts?

Glad you got rid of the grey swirly bits. But notice how twice you've said something similar to "maybe the text looks small because it's a small image" ... Guess what, it's going to be printed small! Make the important stuff readable. The number one priority of this design is to pass on your contact details.

What program are you using for this, out of interest?
It sounds pretty stupid now that I look back at it - you're right, of course it's going to be printed small...!

I don't tend to have these issues when doing things for other people. It's like I'm trying to make things work when really I know that they won't. One thing I did notice is that the tracking of the text was horribly wrong. I compared it to other texts which were much different at the same sizes and made alterations to the weight of the stroke and the tracking to compensate.

I just find it weird how I didn't notice these glaring issues and somehow managed to convince myself that it was fine. Oh and I'm using Illustrator.

Without further ado... they should be readable now..!

(No the grey bit isn't going to be printed...!)


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