How do I make running lists in InDesign CS3


Senior Member
Here's what I want:

1.0 First section beginning at zero      1.1 Dolor set tit consecteur          wrapped to first line      1.2 Nuli sec tet ertu          and the same again here2.0 New top level section      2.1 Etc etc      2.2 And so forth
The help file tells me how to create 1.1, 1.2 etc., but doesn't go into much detail about how I'd begin at 1.0 and also start a new top level section (i.e. 2.0).

I've had a search already but can't find any decent sites that discuss this. Can someone please give me a decent breakdown of how to create the above?

Nevermind. I've figured it out. I didn't realise you had to create x amount of styles for each sub-level.
I had trouble with this a few weeks ago. It's quite complicated isn't it?! Did you figure it out with paragraph styles?

Since I figured it out, I've been using styles more now which is good as it saves time!