Hardware Startup London Meetup


New Member
Hi guys,

I am the co-organiser of Hardware Startup Lab, a community of hardware entrepreneurs, professional makers, designers, investors, influencers and industry experts from the hardware ecosystem.

Our purpose is creating a network to support the hardware startup ecosystem, facilitating knowledge exchange and connections to help talented innovators to build awesome products and successful companies.

We cover many topics: from manufacturing and supply chain management to funding and Kickstarter strategies, from prototyping and incubation to distribution. Sharing trick, tips and connections with each other.

We organise monthly events in London where the community meet to network and listen to inspiring talks.

You can find more details about our group in our meetup page: http://www.meetup.com/Hardware_Startup_Lab/

If you are thinking to start your own hardware startup come at one of our event and meet with other likeminded people.
