Feedback on my website


Hi guys,
I would like your feedback on my website if you wouldnt mind. I do a selection of work from Web to Print, Identity and 3D.
Also if you like any of my work please click on the Facebook Like buttons :icon_rolleyes:

Any feedback much appreciated. I have also optimised the site for mobile, so if you have a mobile device / smartphone I would be keen to hear any feedback about.

So the link: :icon_smile:
My initial reaction is that I like it; I think it fits with a modern style and, although usually I have a preference for sites being positioned centrally, it works being aligned over to the left.

I think the font used for the main 'Interactive Multimedia Graphic Design' suits the rest of the site's feel and the background image and so on well, but my main reservations are that I think elements are a little to small and that nothing really stands out too much.

To me, the font could do with being sightly larger as it feels like a bit of a strain to read it which will simply deter me, and perhaps the logo could be slightly larger also. Although perhaps artistic to keep it smaller, I just feel it could do with being a touch bigger.

I'm also finding the portfolio a little confusing to navigate through - I like the depth of it and the rollovers and so on. Aesthetically I think that it's great. It's just that when I then get through to different aspects I feel a little lost as to where I've got to, perhaps some breadcrumbs along the top could work well there?
Thanks for the detailed reply. Much appreciated.

Yea for some reason I designed this site to align left, not that I have an issue with centred sites, Its just when I tried it centred it didnt seem right for some reason. I guess its completely down to personal preference. Generally speaking though i probably prefer centred sites...

Again another fair comment. One thing I was thinking of doing is maybe adding more content for the homepage, maybe making more of the featured project and showing some design services etc on the homepage. This would go against what I first wanted to do by keeping it quite plain and simple, but if I push the services a bit more I might get some freelance projects.

Some people I've asked thought the porfolio was simple but others found it confusing to navigate, but I'm not sure how I could modify it.. I guess theres an extra 'level' to the portfolio as you can view it by project rather than viewing just 'print' or 'branding' etc. I have actually included a breadcrumb navigation which is on the top right of the page.

Cheers for your replay anyway. :icon_smile: