Feedback on current store


Hi Guys/Gal

I'm looking for feedback (the bad type to be honest ;) )

Basically I want to make the site as friends and user friendly as possible, We will be removing our design tab soon to make this a more bespoke thing!

I want to make it user friendly enough but not that much were it turns into another horrible website like vista print were I'm selling business cards at £3 LOL

So all feedback is welcome.

Heres the website

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Design is nice and reassuring. If I add a product to cart and click on guest checkout there's nothing to tell me I'll only be able to pay by paypal or bacs until I've done it. You have a check box with 'Accept Terms and Conditions' but there are no terms and conditions. While I'm on that page there is a bunch of stuff in the right hand column under User Information and I'm not really sure whether I should be filling it in or not ...until I click on Confirm and then I realise I have to. Typo 'Payment Mothod'...
So layout is confusing - confirm button shouldn't have form fields after it (i.e. to the right).
Design is nice and reassuring. If I add a product to cart and click on guest checkout there's nothing to tell me I'll only be able to pay by paypal or bacs until I've done it. You have a check box with 'Accept Terms and Conditions' but there are no terms and conditions. While I'm on that page there is a bunch of stuff in the right hand column under User Information and I'm not really sure whether I should be filling it in or not ...until I click on Confirm and then I realise I have to. Typo 'Payment Mothod'...
So layout is confusing - confirm button shouldn't have form fields after it (i.e. to the right).

Hey ADesign1

Thanks for this very useful feedback I'll start the process today of making the checkout form less confusing today.