Brand Identity Colours, CMYK, RGB, HEX, PANTONE etc...


New Member
For Brand Guidelines, what is the best way to select a colour, and then give the corresponding colours in other paletes / colour spaces. And, what is the best adobe tool for doing it with.

i.e., I've selected my colour in RGB on illustrator, then used illurstrator colour picker to document RGB and HEX value. I then created an .ai CMYK mode and pasted my HEX value into it and then recorded the CMYK value. Is this the best way to do it?

Also, what is best practice? To start with hard copy Pantone book and then use my eyes to match the closest RGB value I see on the screen + use my eyes to match up the closest CMYK value I can get by printing out CMYK on my printer?

Confused... (and that's not to mention the 2 days of hell I spent battling with colours in indesign, their colour picker really should come with a - DO NOT USE - warning... grrrrrr.
