A way of extracting db-info from another server


Senior Member
So I have an ajax script that extracts the 6 most recent urls from a database and puts them in image tags, in the sidebar. It connects to the db-server by calling it 'localhost' and works fine when it runs on a page on my server.

Now, I want to have that script run in the sidebar of a tumblelog. But it won't run because it can't connect to the database because of that 'localhost'. I tried Google and turns out I had to replace it by the ip of my server. I tried it, but it won't let me because my hosting is on a share IP.

Soooo... I need a way of accessing those 6 urls from the tumblr-server (by modifying my current script). Or a way of saving the most recent urls to a text file, that I can then process from the tumblr-server (probably through javascript because PHP doesn't work).

function freshpics(){	var ajax = createREQ();	var rand = parseInt(Math.random()*99999999);	var url = "http://kevindendievel.com/weeds/freshpics.php?rand=" + rand;		ajax.onreadystatechange = function(){		var status = ajax.responseText.substr(0,2);		var tekst = ajax.responseText.substr(3);				if(ajax.readyState == 4 && status == "OK"){			document.getElementById("pictures").innerHTML = tekst;		} else if(ajax.readyState == 4 && status != "OK"){			document.getElementById("pictures").innerHTML = "<p>Foto's konden niet ingeladen worden</p>";		}	}			ajax.open("GET", url);	ajax.send(null);	}

The important part of the PHP
$dbserver = "localhost"; $user = "deb36814_kevin"; $passwd = "***";$dbnaam = "deb36814_weeds";$query = "SELECT id,src from pictures ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 6";$link = new mysqli($dbserver, $user, $passwd, $dbnaam);
Hi Kevin,
I'm pretty sure thats a no go due to the joys of XSS attacks. IE may not like it to much. Could be wrong as I've never needed to do it but I know I've had problems in the past with IE and AJAX due to a http issue.