Apparently it's a 'thing' you can have experience of. 'All Designers have it'. Is it more about having an awareness of the latest trends in the industry, or can you actually go out and get tangible experience in 'Modern Design'?
I remember once getting told off in a design crit at Uni because I described a piece of work I was doing as 'Modern' modern can mean anything from the last 50 years nearly so its not really a great way of describing anything, as I found out at the time:icon_biggrin:
Judging from the results of a quick Google, it's something to do with furniture. Or kitchens. Or kitchen furniture.What is 'Modern Design'?
Ha-haa! In other words they found someone that was cheaper than you JMC...
Don't worry about it, happens all the time. I had a "designer" asking me what was bleed and why 72dpi isn't suitable for print. No wonder his fares are low...
Judging from the results of a quick Google, it's something to do with furniture. Or kitchens. Or kitchen furniture.