Website - Feedback Please

Lea, like the look of the new site… the only thing i've noticed is on the Home page. Is there a reason you've split the text in the three boxes, may work better if you split the text as per the attachment. Ozwaldo.


  • HomePage.jpg
    21.4 KB · Views: 6
Thank you :) and you know, I hate the homepage set-up so much.. I need to redesign the welcome text completely I think lol.. creativity block got me on that one :D
I'm not flash site fan or in general any animated site fan (i prefer html and css clean code so the website can work fine on any computer even and old one)....but...

I like it, and i like your stuff you are very talented.



Thank you :) and you know, I hate the homepage set-up so much.. I need to redesign the welcome text completely I think lol.. creativity block got me on that one :D
I'm not flash site fan or in general any animated site fan (i prefer html and css clean code so the website can work fine on any computer even and old one)....but...


Or maybe have a html alternative for those stuck in the stoneage?

I like the site, its very pretty but I feel the menu links are a little bit small. and there needs to be more contrast when rolling over them to make them really feel like they are buttons