Website Critique

Is that the about page? Its very copy heavy for a homepage introduction. Doesn't really grab me and make me want to read it. None of the links work either, I know its unfinished though and thats prob why this is.
Andy is right: it doesn't grab me as well... it is like ONE block of text without organisation.

Keep us updated!

Just thought i'd pop this on. I did a little google and found Linn Maggs Goldwin :: Welcome to Linn Maggs Goldwin . Its not the perfect site by any means but at first glance it gives you lots of options to look at straight away, is clean and legible, looks very professional and uses a basic grid well (I haven't looked around the site though so the rest could be shocking). Basically gives off all the connotations someone working in the finance industry would want to and the colour pallette is friendly and refreshing too. Maybe it'd be good for you to look around at the competition and other examples of accounts websites
I would make all those texts in images actual text, especially the accounting and secretarial services and name so that they get indexed, you should be able to find a web standard font as a good substitute.

Also add in h2 and h3 as those are missing, make them worthy of main kw text

Also change your footer link to better reflect your own main kw

Also these kind of meta tags are useless - revisit-after - search engines will come round when they are good and ready and not on call so pointless in using it

You should look at language meta tag one as a basic addition otherwise you will fail the basic WAI validation.

Also look to your doctype and your code and make sure you're not using deprecated attributes.

Ok enough conversion for one day heheh, was trying not to add those but they will help