Twitter has SEO Value...

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SitePoint » Twitter’s Little Known SEO Value

For those who can't be bothered/haven't get time to read the article above, here is the long and short of it....

To make a long story short: although Twitter is a social media tool meant to create community and relationships, it does have an SEO value. For example, Twitter can affect positively your Alexa rankings by sending visitors to your pages. Usage data is a sign of quality for Google and all the other search engines. If you can make people come to your site via Twitter, then this is an SEO advantage you cannot afford to miss.​
Good article. I really, really need to start using Twitter. It's not compatible with my phone apparently though which kind of takes a bit of the appeal away.
Traffic is good. Conversions are best!

Twitter can give you traffic but not neseserally conversions. Who cares if you get your followers to a site? Unless they are looking for a product that you sell or provide, it is meaningless. I think it is very similar to any SEO - it's great to rank #1 in Google, but if it's for useless or irrelevant keywords that don't result in a conversion then whats the point?
If they follow your blog, then they'll be interested in what you do. Getting them to your site is a necessity if they're going to employ you. I doubt you would get many conversions from 0 followers Craig.

Welcome to the forums though.
It’s not that much of a surprise, they have grown pretty quickly and it is to be expected that they will throw some money at something that is very attractive to advertisers.
Alexa is useful to know what sort of traffic your competitors are getting - although what that means of course depends on how clever you think your competitors are. Hopefully they're paying for irrelevant keywords :)

This article - 10 Ways How To Track Site Traffic, Popularity, Statistics | 1stwebdesigner - Love In Design - lists a bunch of alternative/complementary sites. I use google analytics a lot but it feels like I'm giving them too much information ...
What do people think regarading the business account / personal account on Twitter?

By this I mean, my current username is Xenonsoft and my current DP is the same as here, but I could change it to something more personal and change my DP to a picture of myself.

What do you think would draw more interest? Seeing the 'brand' or knowing the person?
I have a twitter account for myself (conanite) and for my site (iconfu), but I haven't really invested in the site account - partly because nobody's following it yet :(

I have to say though that on twitter I would hesitate to follow a logo because I would expect marketing, and I don't go to twitter to get marketed at. I don't know if that's typical of twitterers, but if it is it suggests twitter isn't the place for corporate branding. Corporate branding isn't necessarily bad, it just doesn't feel like twitter is the place to do it.

I spotted these two articles on corporate vs personal branding:

A Corporate Brand Won’t Shield Your Personal Brand Anymore « Personal Branding Blog - Dan Schawbel

It's going to be tricky though if you've opted for the corporate image in your branding elsewhere and then you get all personal on twitter ...

These are questions I also need to figure out for myself!
Cheers conan. I'm leaning towards the same opinion as yourself, I'll decide over the next week. Thankfully the username is easily changable on twitts.
I first used my business name for my twitter handle, changed it about 1 month ago to be name as I think it's better to connect as a person and to be open and honest.
We're only here once in this lifetime so no point in trying to hide, the net has changed the past 5 years, people are more open to connecting to each other and much better to forge alliances on first name basis.

Twitter will consume you though if you let it, it's definitely a beast that needs taming to fit into your lifestyle.
I must admit, I've not used Twitter yet, I keep meaning to set aside some time to research it. So what SEO benefits does it deliver. Does it help with backwards links in anway?
I've just re-done my site and find linking to and from Twitter a great way of adding more awareness, and visits. For me, it's invaluable as another avenue to show your expertise.

It has to be said though that I haven't converted any visits to a sale yet, but I believe that takes time to establish the site and you as a credible designer.