Tricky Price


New Member
What would you charge to scan 484 pages of A4 in colour then make a PDF of the pages into one file?
The pages are mainly text and 20% sepia photos.

I have come to £96 Does that sound too cheap?

many thanks
Nice maths Hank (I assume combining to PDF is estimated at 30 mins). Working it out like that, this job would be charged at £3.88 /hr.

Unless you can scan faster, I'd up the price. It's not a particularly difficult or high-skill task, but that's a lot of time.
If you only needed 30 seconds to swap each page out of the scanner and hit the SCAN button, didn't check anything and could combine the files INSTANTLY ((impossible), you'd need at least 4hrs 22min.
I'd consider charging for at least a day's work, probably 2. Plus don't forget, even though it's not so much a creative job, you're still providing the client VALUE. There's a reason they don't want to do it themselves :ROFLMAO:
I'd have it 3.5 days work

Plus that's dedicated on that task alone.

2 week timeline at normal hourly rate.

Or else rush charge of 1 week at higher rate as you'll have to push other works out.

1 week being 5 days