Time to rebrand yourself...

Paul Murray

Ultimate Member
So it's been established just how easy it is to call yourself a graphic designer nowadays. Well I think I have a solution...

How many times have you seen on blogs or twitter people referring to themselves via a fancy, made-up, 21st century term for their job description, things like "web copywriting guru" or "blog development specialist".

The term graphic designer is too broad and diluted. It's dated and archaic. Graphic design needs rebranding to fit in with the technological age.

So if you had to pick a new name for yourself that sounds like you're an expert in your field (which you surely are) and is much more radical and impressive sounding than 'graphic designer', what would it be? The more egotistical the better!

Personally I'd go with something like Visual Communication Pundit or even Creative Dream Benefactor.

How pro would that sound on a business card?
Realistically, it's all about getting the Adode Certified Expert bit of paper.

Why? Because it doesn't matter what else is on your business card if you can put ACE on there. You're instantly awesome.
I wasn't intending for this to be a serious discussion, more a look at what pompous and absurd job titles people could come up with for what they do.

You've raised a good point though. I'd like to be able to have "I'm ACE!" on my business card :D
Well, I've heard a few OTT titles in my time a few being:

  • Creative Logistics Executive
  • Creative Executive Officer (CEO)
  • Design Executive
  • Creative Design Officer
  • Chief Visual Communications Director

Seriously, these guys were just bog standard graphic designers who gave themselves thse fancy names to make themselves sound more important than they actually were lol. :icon_rolleyes:

Wouldn't mind being CEO myself though! :icon_biggrin:

Had to laugh at your 'Blog Development Specialist'! :icon_biggrin:

How about 'Senior Executive Logotype Consultant'? :icon_wink:
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I was called "Graphic Coordinator" in my first job which I remember thinking sounded a little OTT at the time haha
It's the general rule that anyone in receipt of a ludicrous, inflated job title is either a) about to miss out on a pay increase, or b) given it as a favour when they're about to be shown the door in the misguided belief that it'll help them in the jobs market.

I used to work with a web developer who was known as the 'Duke of URL'.
It's the general rule that anyone in receipt of a ludicrous, inflated job title is either a) about to miss out on a pay increase, or b) given it as a favour when they're about to be shown the door in the misguided belief that it'll help them in the jobs market.

I used to work with a web developer who was known as the 'Duke of URL'.

haha, I'm imagining that he referred to himself as 'the Duke'? What better way to self-aggrandise than giving yourself a peerage?

From now on I want to be called Baron Von Graffik, the Baron to my friends.

A little off topic but I've seen job posts around the net for designers/developers and the job title has been code ninjas and web warriors / html warriors which I thought was fantastic....
I'm thinking of compiling these into a webpage that generates a title at random. I can imagine all manner of absurd job titles coming up :)
My work colleague and myself usually refer to ourselves as "Bodge Artists" as it often feels like that's exactly what we end up doing some times, usually to someone else's shoddy work!
Yea, don't include job history, portfolio, or skills. Just send them a framed print of that. Brilliant.