Text scanning software

Minuteman Press

Active Member
Does anyone use text scanning software? Do you have a recommended / favourite product?

The issue always used to be reliability / accuracy. Have things improved?
The last time I used anything like this was a good few years ago now and, like you say, quite a few glaring errors littered throughout.

Must be something out there now though, particularly when you can buy scanners that do it for you too?
I don't get an awful lot of OCR to do but Acrobat pro 9 has a built OCR tool, you could scna your image and then save it as a PDF and let it do it. But I know there are also some online services that will do it for you, try Free online OCR. The only limit they put on is 10 items per hour. Can't vouch for how good it is though

I gave up on proper OCR software and just used Acrobat - it was as good in my opinion.