Spry Menu SubMenu doesn't show up


Hey guys,

Just working on this website at the moment - Good Tatse -

And i'm having a bit of trouble with getting the "Products" sub menu on the sprymenu to show up. It works fine in dreamweaver design view, however disappears when previewed in browser.

I'm supposed to show this today for a job application, so any help would be greatly appreciated!

Thanks guys,

Not sure how to fix that although it doesn't work here either, i'm sure Corrosive will answer that, also amend the typo in the title tag.
*shudder* Spry huh? Looks like it might be disappearing behind your rotating banner/image widget. Perhaps have a look at some z-index values to see if you can stick the rotator behind the dropdown.
I have placed the image rotater in a div called "imagebox" and i've set the z-index on "imagebox" to 1. The spry menu is in a div called "nav" and placed above the "imagebox" div, i've set the z-index to 2 and there is no change on the sub menu. Am I using the z-index wrong? Forgive my noob-ability!

Spry was just kinda 'of the moment' back when CS3 was new and never really developed as coders knew their were more elegant solutions and non-coders just ended up being baffled. I mod a Dreamweaver forum as well and we still get loads of questions about why Spry is so flaky cross-browser. So I would check it in as many different browsers (including legacy versions) that you can get your hands on or find a better solution for dropdowns. Perhaps something pure CSS or JQuery based might be better.
The rotating image box has disappeared after setting #rotating-item-wrapper to -1. I would like to get this working and then try and figure out a JQuery nav when i have more time. Unless it's easy!? Might i still have the same problem?

I'll keep playing around with z-index, any other ideas?


Keep getting this error message too, anything to do with it?

View attachment 1924

No, that is a mismatch between your page and your DW Template areas. For simple dropdowns you could go Suckerfish; Son of Suckerfish Dropdowns | HTML Dog You could also try adjusting/adding the z-index to the code that relates to the dropdown portion of your menu rather than the #nav itself. Really difficult to say as the code produced by Spry is BLOATED :icon_confused: beyond belief (like most of Dreamweaver's WYSIWYG code to be honest) and I find it hard to decipher what the hell is going on with it.
Oh i see, great thanks, i'll have more of a play and let you know if i'm successful.

Is there a way i can get the dotted borders on the sidebars to reach the bottom of the page? They stop short.


BLOATED :icon_confused: beyond belief (like most of Dreamweaver's WYSIWYG code to be honest) and I find it hard to decipher what the hell is going on with it.

Corrosive has just helped me to sort out a html and css drop down (Thanks very much!) and I am now trying to unpick a form done in Dreamweaver...more like Nightmareweaver....