Im in my final year of uni and we're currently taking part in competition around the country. One competition brief was set by 20th Century Fox. They are releasing a prequel to the Planet of The Apes this summer. Called Rise of The Apes, it centres on the chimp who gathered all the apes etc etc, you know the story. FOX want a new and unique way of marketing this film. I was thinking of treating this as if it were atually happening and focusing on propaganda, like war/political posters etc. Im was wondering you guys on here would have any interesting ideas I could go down? or what your thoughts were on my propaganda angle? Im aiming, if i do it, to get the propaganda onto the streets and test it to see if it confuses people, maybe even put a fake poster/magazine cover on a train and see how people react when they pick it up.
I would love to do a cool generic poster campaign too if i had time. The setting is San Francisco, with the Golden gate bridge featuring heavily in the finale (wont ruin the ending for you guys!). Any ideas what i could do for a fun campaign involving the golden gate bridge?
Any ideas welcome guys, look forward to hearing what you all have in mind.
thanks for your time!
Im in my final year of uni and we're currently taking part in competition around the country. One competition brief was set by 20th Century Fox. They are releasing a prequel to the Planet of The Apes this summer. Called Rise of The Apes, it centres on the chimp who gathered all the apes etc etc, you know the story. FOX want a new and unique way of marketing this film. I was thinking of treating this as if it were atually happening and focusing on propaganda, like war/political posters etc. Im was wondering you guys on here would have any interesting ideas I could go down? or what your thoughts were on my propaganda angle? Im aiming, if i do it, to get the propaganda onto the streets and test it to see if it confuses people, maybe even put a fake poster/magazine cover on a train and see how people react when they pick it up.
I would love to do a cool generic poster campaign too if i had time. The setting is San Francisco, with the Golden gate bridge featuring heavily in the finale (wont ruin the ending for you guys!). Any ideas what i could do for a fun campaign involving the golden gate bridge?
Any ideas welcome guys, look forward to hearing what you all have in mind.
thanks for your time!