Hey guys,
I've been teaching myself graphic design for a few years but could do with some definitive tuition, I have a degree in Computer animation and I have classical art skills from college. I am a generalistic visualisation artist from a VFX/art based background that's looking to get more into graphics. I was wondering if there was a definitive reading list, the bible books if you will.
I have found:
Just my Type: A book about Fonts - Simon Garfield
to be highly useful for typography/fonts
The web designers Idea book volume 1/2 - Patrick McNeil
to be a great reference for web design
Logo Design love: A guide to creating iconic Brand Identites - David Airey
great for logo design
Ballistic publishing
great for reference/inspiration
is there anything else you would suggest, whether it be Idea based or principles, history etc.
I'm quite interested in Linguistics as I often find myself questioning, does this need a hypen? How would this translate? etc. As well as books which cover structure and layout of graphics.
I've been teaching myself graphic design for a few years but could do with some definitive tuition, I have a degree in Computer animation and I have classical art skills from college. I am a generalistic visualisation artist from a VFX/art based background that's looking to get more into graphics. I was wondering if there was a definitive reading list, the bible books if you will.
I have found:
Just my Type: A book about Fonts - Simon Garfield
to be highly useful for typography/fonts
The web designers Idea book volume 1/2 - Patrick McNeil
to be a great reference for web design
Logo Design love: A guide to creating iconic Brand Identites - David Airey
great for logo design
Ballistic publishing
great for reference/inspiration
is there anything else you would suggest, whether it be Idea based or principles, history etc.
I'm quite interested in Linguistics as I often find myself questioning, does this need a hypen? How would this translate? etc. As well as books which cover structure and layout of graphics.