personal logo opinion please!


New Member

I need opinions on my logo design I have done personal for my design identity. I plan to use as my logo for my graphic design freelance work.

The logo is intended to portray: H A Designs. I do freelance in Islamic graphic designs. This is the initials for my name. Please be honest thanks x

Sorry I was having problems imbeding the image.
It's fine. Not outstanding, but it doesn't fill me with enthusiasm. Also, it reads as HA!

Which actually might be nice if you made a feature of it - use the exclamation mark and make 'design' much smaller, or lose it altogether. Just a thought. HA! seems like a quite nice quirky name for a company.
I dont immediately see the 'H' on this logo. Also i think that you should make the word design smaller.
I would agree that the word "designs" needs to be smaller, at the moment in the white and that large it's the thing the eye goes to first, which isn't necessarily the worst thing in the world but i guess that's not the way around you would want it to be read...
Like the HA! suggestion (but have an idea that it already exists in a logo somewhere) and agree that the DESIGNS bit is perhaps too prominent. One other small observation is that the spacing above and below the HA device is neither equal nor different enough to look like it's deliberate.

I need opinions on my logo design I have done personal for my design identity. I plan to use as my logo for my graphic design freelance work.

The logo is intended to portray: H A Designs. I do freelance in Islamic graphic designs. This is the initials for my name. Please be honest thanks x

As a logo it works ok as others have mentioned but you say you do "Islamic graphic design" but this logo doesn't express that in any way, I'm left with the sense of big retail companies for some reason.

Can you post a piece of graphic work you've done with regards to the Islamic connection?

If your target audience is the Islamic community I just don't see how this logo would appeal or attract them...