New Website for Critique


New Member
Hi everyone, if you've got a spare minute, we'd greatly appreciate any feedback, comments, acclaim or critique on our new site

Hope you like it, and even if you don't, please let us know! (and why!)

Love the way you showcase the testimonials on the homepage. Style wise, it's right up my street, clean, minimal and easy to navigate around. Nice one!

That's awesome, i do really like that.

If i had to nitpick, this is all i got.

The footer text lacks contrast with the background, and their is no user feedback on the footer links.

And the drop shadow on the nav seems a tad harsh to me (now that is really nitpicking) but it is in keeping with the other dropshadows, so ok.

Other than that, it's definatly one of the better sites i've seen.
Very nice. Smooth, allows info to be quickly and clearly conveyed. Very nice.

Only minor comment - markers on the map could be labelled.

Very good, keep building the case studies.

A lot of hard work that will pay off.
