New brochure design or not?

Hi all, I could do with some opinions on some company brochures. I have been tasked with re-designing the brochures for the company I work for as my "day job" using Adobe InDesign.

Here is a current brochure I made around a year ago using Photoshop:
(Sorry it's quite big, another reason for investing in InDesign)

I'm having difficulty with inspiration for a new design, our graphics is limited to product photos and CAD models so the question really is would you stick with the current design and just tweak it or go for something new considering that the MD wants the company image to be modern, innovative and technologically advanced?

When the general design is finalised, it'll be used for all of our product ranges.
I actually like the design, think it looks pretty good already, maybe the cover is a bit too dark... (others with a design background may have a different opinion)

Give us a shout for a quote on printing them when you are ready, will see what I can do for you :icon_smile: