Im working on a Software engineering brand trying to get a logo sorted, Any pointers?

How about using something "computery" for speechmarks (and putting them in the right place)? BTW not really loving that last one, but that's just me
I meant maybe try making the speech marks out of something computery and would you lose that font!!!

Anyway YOU come up with some ideas, not doing this for you dude :p ... but happy to help
HAD I BIT CRACK AT THE COMPUTERY SPEECH MARK THINGS, DOESNT SEEM TO BE KNITTING. Im doiong a poster now for futurism and its effects on contemporary design
Just something quirky about that font haha.
just had an email from the tutor sying that the first two which are these are stronger than the last two. well done.


  • Verb Microchip.jpg
    Verb Microchip.jpg
    62.3 KB · Views: 3
  • Verb new.jpg
    Verb new.jpg
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...When I first looked at you last version I straight away thought "that mouse pointer is screaming out to be made into the V" - and I am not saying that would make a great logo, just my initial impression.

I think you could do something with the arrow/cursor by experimenting with it as the bottom, reversed-out half of a capital letter R: I think this might lead to a more elegant solution as it would retain its angle and, therefore, its familiarity.
Verb new14.jpg Reversed out like so? The font im using isnt finished so no capitals as of yet. I should really change typeface haha
I think you're chucking too much stuff out and hoping that something sticks. I understand your eagerness to finish the logo up, but I'd honestly just pause for a little while and think about what you're trying to achieve here.
View attachment 1798 Reversed out like so? The font im using isnt finished so no capitals as of yet. I should really change typeface haha

Nooooo, the bottom section of a capital R (the space between the two legs).

Sorry mate but have to agree with Tony, you're chucking a load of things out there in the hope that one may just work. That's not how good logo design works.

After a bit of thought i may be getting somewhere. Usually i come across something i like fairly quickly, but with this one i just cant seem to find any gems. I think im going to find a logo questionnaire and make a brief from that otherwise im going to keep chucking out rubbish designs. But thoughts on these would be helpful...
The font doesn't scream "software company" to me. It says "fashion magazine". That last one you've posted there is the least offensive of all of them, still don't think you're getting what Spotty Penguin was getting at the R and the arrow.

EDIT: Having said that, they are much better than all of the others so far.
Thanks for the feedback. Now you've mentioned the magazine typeface i agree, im at a college mac at the moment so when im back at my desktop ill try my fonts. Can you recommend any software looking fonts?