how to learn mobile graphic design like Moy games

Well, designing an app and producing the illustrations for the app are two different things, so you have your work cut out if you've never done either.

The illustrations are most likely vectors, so to start with you need some vector software such as Adobe Illustrator or Affinity Designer. Then do lots and lots of tutorials!
I agree that Adobe Illustrator would be the first step. All the guides and tutorials you can find would be the next one. And there are many good courses on Udemy and Udacity that you could consider.
@Wardy, @ry0ryryry thank you guys for your comments - actually I am well aware tht this is done in adobe and furthermore I know its basics... I was wondering if this graphic style which thin lines and shading has a name or its just the designers invention in that game?
It's just a standard illustration style unless I'm missing something, pretty straightforward for anyone who knows their way around any vector software.