help me please, Flash Contact Form

Mary McMillan

New Member
need help building a flash contact form using action script 2.0,

sending a e-mail within flash using php,

i have tried a couple of video tutorials to build one but none seem to work.

go to my portfolio website and click on the contact me title button to see what i have made so far

>>>>>>> Rafael Visual Designer

if any body can help it would be much appreciated
How will users of the iPad and iPhone contact you?

I imagine, if he has thoroughly thought through the decision to use Flash for a whole website, then he is offering an HTML alternative for non-flash devices. I mean, that's what you'd do right?
Not everyone has the knowledge of HTML, or the money to pay for someone's help who has. Whether it's good or not, sometimes Flash is the only alternative to get a portfolio online. At least it shows some sort of creativity instead of uploading images to LinkedIn or Facebook. A useless option with regards to being found online or being viewed on an iPhone or iPad, but at least it's something to direct people to.
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Not everyone has the knowledge of HTML, or the money to pay for someone's help who has. Whether it's good or not, sometimes Flash is the only alternative to get a portfolio online. At least it shows some sort of creativity instead of uploading images to LinkedIn or Facebook. A useless option with regards to being found online or being viewed on an iPhone or iPad, but at least it's something to direct people to.

I don't think this is a fair argument to be honest, there are tons of out of the box solutions that can look really professional and very easy to install and skin such as wordpress. Flash is dead and with iPad/iPhone users continuing to grow to have a site that cannot even be viewed at all or indexed by google is crazy IMO. Don't get me wrong if you have site that you have had for a while such as yourself and you haven't got round to changing it then fair enough, but if you are designing a new site at this moment in time then to look at flash as an option is nuts.
I'm sure there are plenty of options out there. Initially I did look at Wordpress, but I knew what I wanted it to look like, and there was nothing there that came close to how I wanted my site to look. I wanted it to look different from every other Wordpress based site.

I used this analogy when talking to Toby a couple of weeks back. Wordpress is like Ikea. The sites look alright and do the job but they all look the same. I realise my site, and all Flash sites are absolutely useless with regards to being found on Google, or for iPad uses to look at but I just needed something up to put my work on, and direct people to, that still showed a bit of creativity. I didn't have the time, money or knowledge to learn how to code or install anything.

I wouldn't suggest using Flash to a client for their website, but for designers/artists that need something online, that they can show people, that shows a little creativity, it does the job - as long as they don't expect it to get long term results.
I used this analogy when talking to Toby a couple of weeks back. Wordpress is like Ikea. The sites look alright and do the job but they all look the same. I realise my site, and all Flash sites are absolutely useless with regards to being found on Google, or for iPad uses to look at but I just needed something up to put my work on, and direct people to, that still showed a bit of creativity. I didn't have the time, money or knowledge to learn how to code or install anything.

Just a suggestion Ross. There's a Wordpress Framework called Pagelines that you can build your own site on top of. It's about £120 I think, but basically, you drag and drop yourself a layout, you can add anything, anywhere you like. It stops your site looking "like Wordpress" and it's fairly straightforward. There's a couple of little hurdles to overcome but nothing I, or anyone else on here couldn't help you with. Worth looking into if you are wanting to change your site to Wordpress but looking unique still.
my online portfolio is just that, a creative way to show off my work. my target audience is not the masses, its the design studio crateive director or whoever is in charge of the hiring process within the company. i can index this website in google as the flash content is embedded within a div tag, html file. yeah i see where your argument is, as the use of flash is fading and moving more towards html5.