What do you, or you company do about minimising scalpel cuts in the studio/office.
I'm of the opinion that they are a bit of a natural part of the job. It is almost inevitable that you will cut yourself from time to time. In fact even with 'the talk', I find that young designers I've taken on will 99% of the time end up cutting themselves within the first month of work! Oddly, they then don't seem to do it again.
Maybe it takes one good nick to build proper respect for the knife!
I'm of the opinion that they are a bit of a natural part of the job. It is almost inevitable that you will cut yourself from time to time. In fact even with 'the talk', I find that young designers I've taken on will 99% of the time end up cutting themselves within the first month of work! Oddly, they then don't seem to do it again.
Maybe it takes one good nick to build proper respect for the knife!