Has anyone done an exam for a creative job role?


Hi there!

I just recently had a job interview for a creative artworker role. The interviewer mentioned that if I passed the interview stage I would be invited back to take part in an exam presumably to test my indesign skills.

I was wondering if anyone here has taken part in such exams for an advertised job role and what was in the test?
I've been given a few tests at interviews. Generally they have given me a previous advert they have created and/or a set of brand guidelines, some text, an image and told me to create a new advert. You're normally timed so don't go for creative genius. They want to see you can use teh software and are clued up so pay attention to kerning, leading and do a spellcheck!
I had a similar test for an artworking role a while back - It was in Quark though (which I had not used for AGES) and Im an Indesign user.

Needless to say it too me a little longer than was expected! :icon_rolleyes:
I had a similar test for an artworking role a while back - It was in Quark though (which I had not used for AGES) and Im an Indesign user.

Needless to say it too me a little longer than was expected! :icon_rolleyes:

Meh Quark, I was asked to do a test in Quark once. I refused on the grounds I hadn't touched it in over 4 years, the boss man told me I was way behind in technology in that case! Suffice to say I didn't get that job but actually pretty glad.
I do work for one well known financial services co. that use quark extensively. In fact they have spent a fortune on software that 'generates' docs in quark automatically by populating intricate templates with live financial info at the push of a button. Weird.
On the test front, if you're going to be responsible for final artwork output, they might also show you some files and ask you proof them from a press-press POV. Bleeds, overprints, specials, colour spaces, shonky text effects etc.