Good t-shirt printers in London?


New Member

I'm new here and was hoping for a bit of help finding a good printer for some t-shirts I'd like to make.
They contain alot of geometric shapes and tie dye colours. I'd like these to be printed without a background, so the t-shirt colour is the background.

Does that make any sense at all? Did I mention I'm new at this. The graphic design part as well as the forum part.:icon_smile:

Hi there - I can't recommend anyone in London as I'm based in Liverpool but you need to be looking for a screen printers. Have you done the designs yourself? If so, in what format do they currently exist?
Thanks for this! I really didn't know where to start.

I did the designs myself and they are in Ps. and Jpeg formats.
Ok, first of all then, in order to make background colour the colour of the t-shirt, then you will need to make the background of your design transparent. A jpeg won't be any good as this format will have no transparency. As far as I am aware, the only formats you can save for print in photoshop with a transparent background are the .psd, .eps and .tiff formats but I'm sure someone will add to this if I'm incorrect!

It would also be worth me asking what size and resolution have you created the designs in? They will need to be of suitable size and resolution for print (so 300dpi resolution and at the size they will be printed on the t-shirt). Be warned: if you have not created them large enough, it may not (depending on how the images have been made) be possible for you to simply scale up without loss of quality, it would mean starting from scratch again. Only if you have used vector shapes in photoshop will you be able to scale up.
T-shirts that are screenprinted are generally very simple in terms of design/use of colour, each colour going down to create a particular element of the design. Screenprinting allows you to print onto coloured t-shirts similar to those shown here> DJTees T-shirts that ROCK! Plus Hoodies, Long sleeve, Womens and Kids. If your designs are more complex and involve graduations or very precise use of colour then you could go down the four colour process printing route, but you are limited to white t-shirts (which act as your white paper.)