Essentially, I'm a GD/Prepress person. I'd been sent a file, PDF made from illy, no problem. Was asked to do edits to it as sometimes happens, by the agency who supplied the file, so, the actual people who made it (I assume they didn't have time to do it themselves, I don't know).
Open the file - can't proceed as there was a linked file missing and the font was missing too - we didn't have the font on our files. Asked for fonts and links - agency didn't understand what I needed. I wondered if this is a common problem, and do you feel as designers that we are asking for something you feel you don't have to provide.
Basically, it's not a case of asking for a free font, its a prepress requirement - fonts (if you choose not to outline and aren't providing a press ready PDF etc) and linked images. It's nothing to do with stealing fonts from you, it's a case of actually being able print the job for you as you want it.