Freelance Graphic Designer


New Member
Hey all!

Not been on here for a while! I began life as a freelance designer back in June 2008 and I'm still working hard at it! I've got some new work up on my site if you fancy taking a look

If you know of anyone that might need some work creating, please get in touch!

Jo :)
Hey Damon!

Thanks very much for the kind words! I've ordered a few things from your fab company (hopefully i'll be in touch soon with more orders..been a bit quiet on the print front lately!)

I will add a link on my site somewhere no worries!

Jo :)
Very nice start indeed Jo!

I might be in touch soon to put some work your way...maybe you PM me your Skype id if you don't mind.

Thanks Salvador! Muchos appreciated!

I checked out your site, really slick likes alot!

Definitely get in touch if you need some work creating. My email is [email protected]

Speak soon,

Jo :)