Critique wanted - Logo design for music hub


Hey again all,

As you were all so great with previous critique, I wanted to know what you all thought of this design I am doing. Its for a friend, all I was told was that its a hub for music/musicians etc. He wanted something which would show coming together and music in one... so I had no thoughts whatsoever and hit a mental block. Then while I was drifting off to sleep I had this crazy idea... 4 people can make a band, use instrument silhouettes to create the bodies and music notes as the heads. I am happy to say everyone I have shown it to loves it, but I wanted to know other people/designers thoughts as I think there is something missing. It's only going to be on a website, and flat colour on T-shirts.

Look forward to hearing from you soon.

Thanks :)

Dorset Music Hub Logo Draft 2 - Copy.jpg
Very smart thinking: like it. Only observation is that the curved line coming off the top of that musical note I don't know the name of (and actually don't even recognise - is it correct? [should add that I'm no expert]) isn't as smooth as it might be.

EDIT: Also, is the keyboard body shape slightly misaligned at the bottom?
Don't think the curved line that we don't recognise matters! It's a great idea! Well done.

Then while I was drifting off to sleep I had this crazy idea...
It's the fourth step in 'idea generation' - the unconscious works away at problems while you are doing other things! I'm trying to remember the surname of someone I worked with about 12 years ago...tonight at 3am her name will come to me.

I also think the keyboard /misaligned bit - the rule line needs to sit on top(?)
Thanks guys... I actually looked on good old wiki for music symbols to give me ideas... the one with the wavy line is a quaver note / eighth note... no I have no idea either, not since playing recorder in first school! :S Ah I see that now, I will adjust that, thanks Kate :D
Thanks guys... I actually looked on good old wiki for music symbols to give me ideas... the one with the wavy line is a quaver note / eighth note...

Good-o: it is a great design but I also think it's important not to sacrifice accuracy in pursuit of nice looking work.
Thanks guys... I actually looked on good old wiki for music symbols to give me ideas... the one with the wavy line is a quaver note / eighth note... no I have no idea either, not since playing recorder in first school! :S Ah I see that now, I will adjust that, thanks Kate :D

A quaver is half a crotchet, of which 4 appear in a 4/4 time signature. Hence an 8th note. a semi-quaver is a 16th and so on.
:-O shame I still don't understand... I'm useless with music, though singing along with some old classics it is another matter :p hehe
Great logo!

My only wee niggle is that the microphone looks more like a golf ball on an ice cream cone. I don't know if a small white button would help?

PS. Played trumpet in the local brass band when I was younger. Lot's of trumpeters about!