We have just redesigned our website
https://www.digitalwebsitedesign.co.uk/ and are looking for some feedback from objective eyes and different browser and devices. Always good to iron out issues quickly. Thanks in advance
I had a look at the website, and sub pages and here are my thoughts:
- the main thing that captured my eyes was the lack of typography principles and chromatic - here some suggestions:
- try using a completely different font for titles and the current one in regular for paragraphs. Try to use 2 fonts not more than that (a bold display font and a paragraph one), i saw on the page a type family in sans serif but then on the homepage I ve also spotted a serif as title.
- Keep type in contrast at all time.
- it is not quite clear what is your branding direction in terms of colors and type because the logo had a certain color that doesn't match the rest of the color selection you adopted for the website - here I would add that white text on yellow background is completely null for people with color sight deficiencies, better black text on yellow.
- the footer seems to be built in 2 tables..ideally you keep it in 1 table and columns
- on homepage, in the section named "get your business online with our..." you have an art painting behind and a collage simulation on top with a blank iPad - ideally, you want to place some content in that frame.
- the Webdesign Process section on homepage you can make it more understandable but using some type intricacies between the number and the title of the section.
-i noticed some fuzzy pieces like the logo, and the arrow on the buttons
- the drop down menu seems a bit inconsistent - for ex the view drop down of the "Services" looks very different compared to the "Areas we cover" - here also all titles seem a bit inconsistent, some are title case some not.
- I agree with
@Eddy above that the text length should be reduced
- the structure is there, is not chaotic, the message is somehow clear - just a bit of general attention to type, colours and contrast in general
- browsers i used - Safari, Chrome, Mozilla; also, plugin for mobile view on Chrome "Responsive Viewer"
- I have replied with feedback with the best of my intentions

I hope they will be useful to you.