So, I have synchronised colour settings across all my CS5 programs.
Saving a file from Illustrator as an .ai .eps or a PDF-X standard compliant .pdf will not embed the colour profile of the document.
However, using Photoshop and saving as a .psd or a PDF-X standard compliant .pdf works as it is supposed to.
When I go to Adobe Bridge, I can see that the files have been tagged with the colour profile of the document.
I have never been able to get colour management to work in anything but Photoshop, since I bought and installed CS5 months ago - but now I actually have a need for embedded profiles. Please help! :icon_crying:
Saving a file from Illustrator as an .ai .eps or a PDF-X standard compliant .pdf will not embed the colour profile of the document.
However, using Photoshop and saving as a .psd or a PDF-X standard compliant .pdf works as it is supposed to.
When I go to Adobe Bridge, I can see that the files have been tagged with the colour profile of the document.
I have never been able to get colour management to work in anything but Photoshop, since I bought and installed CS5 months ago - but now I actually have a need for embedded profiles. Please help! :icon_crying: