New computer blues
My last computer went kaputt recently and I reluctantly shelled out for a new one. Aside from the cost, one of the only things that has held me back from buying a new PC is the fact that for my work I use Paintshop Pro 9 almost constantly, I installed it many years ago when my old computer was new. My dad gave me a disk of it. However between then and now, I've misplaced that disk and I know I can't afford a new one. Hence my reluctance to buy a new PC, but now I've got no choice and I've had to abandon ship onto a new machine.
As predicted, I don't have Paintshop pro automatically on here, I don't even have my lovely friend Publisher! Gutted! I've got a weird strange new O.S. called Windows 7 which I'm stumbling around like a child learning to walk. It's disorientating and strange and I'm worried it's going to set me back with my illustrations because not only do I not know how to work this darn machine, I don't have Paintshop Pro on it any more.
I've got something called Adobe Photoshop Elements 7 which came with the machine. I tried uploading my illustrations to it but they just sit there, there isn't the usual Paintshop pro type interface where I could use brushes, smudges, tools etc. Plus, most of my work is saved in psp format and Adobe can't read it. I'm in a bit of a muddle, worried, deadlines approaching for my work and I don't know if I'm upside down or inside out. I knew a new computer would stress me out and I wasn't wrong.
Helpppp meeeeeeeeeee :icon_eek: