Brochure design for printing


New Member
Compared to many on here I'm a novice when it comes to graphic design. I am for the first time creating a brochure - what I need to know is how should i create it on the design package so the printers are able to print it efficiently, in the right order, folding etc?

Many thanks
I can't speak for all printers, but at my place:

Say you were designing a 16 pp brochure.
I would just require you to set up your document, pages 1-16, in order (ie. front cover, inside front cover, pages 1-12, inside back cover, back cover). If your design idea requires you work in spreads that fine, but then I would want you to PDF it to single pages, running in the order described above. I don't find it helpful to be sent printers pairs or anything like that, as I just have to split what you've created into single pages so I can impose it.

In summary, just set up your document pages 1-16 (or whatever) as described, and send the file as a print ready, single page PDF in correct running order with bleed etc. - I sort out the imposition.

All you would be required to do, is give the sales representative the information required (how you want it binding, number of pages, size, any special finishes etc) but all of this should have been done already in order for you to recieve a quote. If you are in any doubt about certain areas, for example, you may wish to have your cover spot UV'd, and you aren't sure of how to set this up, call your printers and they will be more than happy to tell you how to do it. This is a much better practice than guessing, as it means your job will be processed faster, and correctly, and you build up a good relationship with your printer as someone who cares about doing it right.

As I said, this is how it would work at my place, it's always good to talk to your chosen printer and ask them what their requirements are. If you get fobbed off by sales staff (who may be busy, or unaware of requirements themselves - I know, but it does happen!), just ask to speak to pre press. :icon_smile:
Thanks for your reply, artgem.

I am to check with printers but am currently delayed in contacting them.

The document in question is an A5 brochure (A4 landscape, divided into two.
Some have said to set it out on the design programme like this and treat each landscape page as a document i.e. Rear page and Front Page as one page, then next page inside front and inside rear.

This is obviously far more confusing for the designer. Are you saying that some printers would prefer, as you said, front page and inside front as one A4 landscape document, then page 1 and 2 as another..and so on?

OR of I do it any way, saved as PDF documents, it wouldn't matter?
No no no. I as a print person would prefer:

If it's an A5 document, set it up as one. DO NOT do it as an A4 Landscape page, do it as individual A5 portrait pages. If you wanted to work in spreads, use the facing pages function, so you still have two separate A5 pages, but you can view them as a spread i.e. A4 Landscape.

You setting up as described is what would be a nightmare for me as described in my first post - I'd then have to split your spreads to impose the job properly, which you would get charged for. And if you set up your document as A4 Landscape pages, not A5 pages viewed as spreads, when you PDF'd it, A4 Landscape pages are just what you'd get.

If you set your doc up properly, as A5 portrait pages, when you PDF it you have the option to PDF it to a spread (so you get an A4 Landscape spread) or single pages (A5 portrait single pages).
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Please tell me you wouldn't do a full brochure in illustrator? Why not use InDesign (or similar layout programme of your choice)?
Please tell me you wouldn't do a full brochure in illustrator? Why not use InDesign (or similar layout programme of your choice)?

I am talking about 16pp and under here as that was what was mentioned above :) . If it was something like an annual report / large brochure then I use InDesign.
I am talking about 16pp and under here as that was what was mentioned above :) . If it was something like an annual report / large brochure then I use InDesign.

I don't wish to offend you, but I believe a proper layout programme should be used for multipage documents of any size (unless its a single page doc obviously - I understand the merits of working in illustrator for these things). It causes no end of headaches in print when you receive a brochure from a customer as 16 separate files. Half the time, ENORMOUS files at that! (Not saying that that's what you'd do). Do you put them together yourself before you print? (Like, PDF each page, then create one PDF from that?). I just don't understand why Illustrator is used for multipage documents as it's not designed for this use (I am aware that CS4 has some sort of tabs whereby you can have multipages....but it's still not a page layout programme).
Prime example has just been received at work -

12pp Brochure - all set out as printers spreads in illustrator as 6 separate eps files. This is completely useless as it needs placing into InDesign and splitting.

9 double sided inserts all separate again, except even better - as illustrator is not multipage (this version anyway), in order to have the reverse in the same file, another 'artboard' has been drawn (a box) to the right of the real artboard, and been worked on there. More fun to be had fixing it. One bonus, the design itself is very good, it's just poor execution in terms of correct layout and software use.

Total file size for this relatively small job - 1.3 gb. :icon_confused:
Prime example has just been received at work -

12pp Brochure - all set out as printers spreads in illustrator as 6 separate eps files. This is completely useless as it needs placing into InDesign and splitting.

9 double sided inserts all separate again, except even better - as illustrator is not multipage (this version anyway), in order to have the reverse in the same file, another 'artboard' has been drawn (a box) to the right of the real artboard, and been worked on there. More fun to be had fixing it. One bonus, the design itself is very good, it's just poor execution in terms of correct layout and software use.

Total file size for this relatively small job - 1.3 gb. :icon_confused:

Gah i get people doing that all the time :icon_thumbdown:

also i get some people actually drawing in their rules :\ meaning i have to go into the artwork and bloody remove em at times :icon_Wall: