Anybody identify this font?

A good way to identify fonts like this is open them in photoshop and change to pure black and white.

Then upload to whatthefont, or whatfontis

Actually, just did it - and it didn't find it... fat lot of help that is...
Haha yeah, already tried them!

Forums are now my last resort, I'm currently drawing it in.. But knowing the font would just make life easier for me.
I'm going to go out on a limb and say that it's two fonts - the "R" doesn't have any disconnect, where the "d" and "e" do.

Sorry I can't help any further.
Not a problem, think I have come across this font/fonts before and not known what they are.. Not to worry, I have drawn it out now anyways.

Thanks for your help though
It is the same font. Some fonts choose the most visually appropriate letters to have 'disconnects,' whiles others have total consistency with all letters. It depends on the design. You probably don't need to do this as you have already drawn it out but, if you don't get an answer from forums, as a very last time consuming resort, you can try browsing through dafont, obviously by narrowing down your search via the font's aesthetics.
Tried also, I feel like I'm trying to solve a crime when I'm trying to find a font.

Some are left unsolved though.. and drawing it in is the last resort :(