Hi, I'm looking to move into web design as well as what I do already, however I don't really know how to code, I did a little bit of HTML about 4 years ago but nothing like what I'm presuming is necessary.
Obviously I won't be offering this to clients for a long time to come, as I need to master it myself.
I have dreamweaver if that's help to anyone?
From what I can see cascading style sheets are the new way to go?
I'm sure there are lots of tutorials on the web, but just need someone to basically tell me how they started off doing this sort of thing.
Obviously I won't be offering this to clients for a long time to come, as I need to master it myself.
I have dreamweaver if that's help to anyone?
From what I can see cascading style sheets are the new way to go?
I'm sure there are lots of tutorials on the web, but just need someone to basically tell me how they started off doing this sort of thing.