A disgrace to our profession:

I've just picked this up from the DBA LinkedIn Group. It's so shocking I though you lot should also see it here :

From: [email protected]
Date: 21 May 2010 14:31:46 BST
Subject: Iwantadesign.com


I hope you don’t mind me emailing you but we have just set up a website
called iwantadesign.com and we think it might be a useful too for your
business if you ever have too much work on or want to offer your client
lots of choice.

How does it work?

- Enter your job spec on the website (eg: looking for a logo,
flyer, website template)

- Enter a prize (eg: €120)

- Then designers from all over the world enter their designs. We
have almost 300 designs in database at the moment

- You choose the winner

- They send you the artwork

So you can often get over 50+ designs to choose from.

To celebrate the launch this week we are offering 50% off creating a
contest. The code is IWAD.

If you are interested, here is the link to begin registering.
Registration .

Robert Kelly
I want a Design administrator

So this is what our industry has been reduced to- designers begging for scraps from a clients table?


Mercy : Design Agency and Literature & Arts Collective : London / Liverpool : UK
Horrendous - but every idiot with a computer is a graphic designer these days (or a web designer!)

I may become a beekeeper!
Horrendous - but every idiot with a computer is a graphic designer these days (or a web designer!)

I may become a beekeeper!

lol yep. I'm beginning to get pissed off with being undercut by them too. And when you see what the client finally got, you understand why it cost so little. Scary thing is, some clients can't see the difference. I think the only way to go is to differentiate with quality and substance behind what you do, as oppose to just using the latest technique you found on one of those idiotic '20 best new drop shadow' lists.
lol yep. I'm beginning to get pissed off with being undercut by them too. And when you see what the client finally got, you understand why it cost so little. Scary thing is, some clients can't see the difference. I think the only way to go is to differentiate with quality and substance behind what you do, as oppose to just using the latest technique you found on one of those idiotic '20 best new drop shadow' lists.

Don't stress about being undercut. A very large percentage of my business comes from redesigning something that hasn't been done right in the first place. The penny will drop eventually.
ive entered a couple of contests on 99 designs.

I feel its a good way to get material for building up a basic portfolio. It's good practice too.

my 2 cents anyway
ive entered a couple of contests on 99 designs.

I feel its a good way to get material for building up a basic portfolio. It's good practice too.

my 2 cents anyway

And once you've built up your basic portfolio, you'll never be able to use it to get any real paid work because of all the idiots willing to do things for free.
Yeah it isn't great that's certain but as with many business sectors or services, there are levels of value and cost.

From McDonalds to Gordon Ramsey, Lidli's to Waitrose, Cheap cider to Champayne...if you produce good work, add value and come up with well thought out solutions then I wouldn't worry about these sites there is probably room for everyone.

That said design companies using these sites to get concepts together and then sell on to the client at inflated rates, now that is disgusting!
Yeah it isn't great that's certain but as with many business sectors or services, there are levels of value and cost.

From McDonalds to Gordon Ramsey, Lidli's to Waitrose, Cheap cider to Champayne...if you produce good work, add value and come up with well thought out solutions then I wouldn't worry about these sites there is probably room for everyone.

That said design companies using these sites to get concepts together and then sell on to the client at inflated rates, now that is disgusting!

Spot on. Particularly the last bit.
I got the same email..

thought the same thing. Scam! Basically taking advantage of people

If you want to build your portfolio, I recommend doing things for local businesses not this kind of crap.