Recent content by mwarner

  1. M

    New Website Feedback required please

    Well as you can see from the threee websites that I have actually built during my university time, we have only done html and css. We have touched a little bit in Javascript and JQuery. The feedback went quite well, it's good to get someone else's opinion on the website, an outsider, if you...
  2. M

    New Website Feedback required please

    It hasn't been design with MS Paint, but I'd appreciate if you could explain what you mean by this? I've haven't been back on the forum since it was reposted. Thanks for the time it has taken you to look through the website and write such a detailed responce. I have taken this on board and...
  3. M

    New Website Feedback required please

    Hi, The website that I have been working on was launched a few months ago, ongoing changes are being made to the site on a regular basis. If I could just have your opinions on the website and perhaps the content, the site as a whole I would really appreciate it.
  4. M

    Javascript/Ajax Drop Down Menus

    I have downloaded and am using the code that has been given above. I trying to achieve different colours for each drop down tab. But I am having problems programming it in the CSS. Can anyone offer any help? Thanks.
  5. M

    Javascript/Ajax Drop Down Menus

    Thank You :)
  6. M

    Javascript/Ajax Drop Down Menus

    Thanks for the quick reply. Will I be able to style this menu in the style that Promotional Items has? With the drop down menu sitting underneath the menu bar?
  7. M

    Javascript/Ajax Drop Down Menus

    I'm looking for some help building a drop down menu for a website that I am creating. My client would like it to be similar to the one on Promotional Items, Corporate Gifts & Promotional Products - Promotional Items I would appreciate any help that is given. Thanks in advance. Mark.