
Design of schemes, tables, diagrams, applications

When performing the work, visual material will most likely be used. It can be drawings, drawings, tables and other views. You need to attach them immediately in the text, after the mention.

Equations and formulas are placed in the middle of the page. To specify all characters correctly, you must use the character control panel.

Diagrams, drawings and tables must be signed. Figures are signed under the image.

Applications do not belong to the main text of the test. These are usually documents confirming the decision, questionnaires of respondents, samples of contracts, etc. But they also need to be entered into the control.

Applications must be attached at the end of the work and signed accordingly. At the top right of the page, you need to indicate the application number and its name.

Making a list of references

The list of references is drawn up in accordance with methodology, which is used for all types of work. The most popular list design option is alphabetical.

Title page layout

When designing the title page, the basic rules of methodology are used. The first sheet should include:

  • information about the educational institution;
  • the name of the department and faculty;
  • job title;
  • Full name of the student and full name of the teacher;
  • year and city of writing.
Requirements for the design of control work

In order to get a well-designed work, you need to familiarize yourself with a large number of requirements and apply them in practice.

  • The control work has several tasks and is divided into chapters. Each task, paragraph, chapter must begin on a new page.
  • The numbering is in Arabic numerals.
  • Numbers of chapters, paragraphs and sections should be put in Arabic numerals.
  • Chapter and paragraph titles should be centered on the page.
  • Use the footnotes at the bottom of the page for explanations.
  • Formulas and equations must be attached after they are mentioned in the text.
  • The list of sources used must be compiled in alphabetical order.
    These rules are considered to be uniform in the design of tests in all universities and all faculties.
We hope that thanks to the requirements collected here, your test paper will look perfect.

Making a test paper is an important step, but the writing itself is even harder, and therefore you should not refuse a full order of a test paper from our experts!
Mar 9, 1994 (Age: 30)