Recent content by DaveP

  1. D

    Screen Printing Bottle Machine/Jig

    Thanks for the input, but I'm fairly set on the idea. I think the cost of a printer setting up one screen would make it totally nonviable. Breakdowns aren't a concern, it's basically a hinge and a couple of rollers. Possibly easier to fix than tractors... I was just asking if anyone knew a UK...
  2. D

    Screen Printing Bottle Machine/Jig

    For full disclosure, I'm the cider-maker. So it would be for numerous small batches over the years. The cost of paper labels gets prohibitive in runs of below 400 bottles, so printing directly onto the bottles seems a smart choice. The ebay machines cost about the same as a manual machine to...
  3. D

    Screen Printing Bottle Machine/Jig

    This is is the type of thing available on ebay (there are a few variants). All looks a bit cobbled together and fiddly...
  4. D

    Screen Printing Bottle Machine/Jig

    Hi all, I'm looking to screen print directly onto glass champagne bottles for a small batch cider producer. I see on the net (eBay, Alibaba, etc) that cheap manual machines/jigs for this purpose are readily available, but look a bit on the flimsy side, looks like they're cobbled together from...