Student Design Competition from Discount Displays

Hi everyone,

Discount Displays run an annual student design competition that's open to all current UK students.

To win the competition they’ll have to design a pop-up stand that promotes the student's relevant course and appeals to prospective students and reflects the brand of their university. All entrants will be required to submit a short essay between 350-500 words that describes the inspiration behind their design and what they believe prospective students will get out of the course.

The Prizes are:
  • 1st Prize -
    • £500
    • A printed pop-up stand showcasing their work
    • We’ll showcase their work on our blog and across our social media
  • 2nd Prize -
    • £100
    • We’ll showcase their work on our blog and across our social media
  • 3rd Prize -
    • £50
    • We’ll showcase their work on our blog and across our social media
The top 10 Designers will also have their work showcased on the website.

Full competition details including design specs can be found here -
