Reading Lists? (any recommendations)


Hey guys,

I've been teaching myself graphic design for a few years but could do with some definitive tuition, I have a degree in Computer animation and I have classical art skills from college. I am a generalistic visualisation artist from a VFX/art based background that's looking to get more into graphics. I was wondering if there was a definitive reading list, the bible books if you will.

I have found:

Just my Type: A book about Fonts - Simon Garfield
to be highly useful for typography/fonts

The web designers Idea book volume 1/2 - Patrick McNeil
to be a great reference for web design

Logo Design love: A guide to creating iconic Brand Identites - David Airey
great for logo design

Ballistic publishing
great for reference/inspiration

is there anything else you would suggest, whether it be Idea based or principles, history etc.

I'm quite interested in Linguistics as I often find myself questioning, does this need a hypen? How would this translate? etc. As well as books which cover structure and layout of graphics.

Ellen Lupton's "Thinking with Type" is worth a read, plus most of it's available freely online.

I'm also looking for something covering linguistics that explains the proper use of punctuation, grammar, etc, so if anyone has any recommendations, let's hear 'em.

I was hoping to find an Oxford guide to English language or something but never did. Perhaps there's even a GCSE or A-level study guide that will suffice?
Am (hopefully) getting Logo Design Love this christmas as I read the free chapter online and it dawned on me that I should be reading it!!
Thanks guys I realize this isn't a new topic, my bad!

I will definitely be getting copies of some of these, I am always surprised how much their is to learn about typography. Where can I get your book from Andy? I had a look on amazon I like some of the sections you'e gone into, like different types of blacks.

I'm also looking to get a Digital tutors account so I can learn Indesign (as well as other VFX apps).