Film Festival

Matthew Crowe

New Member
Hi everyone. I wanted to get peoples opinion on my poster for Weston Film Festival. It was a one day brief at university to advertise this Classic Film Festival, the types of films which would be shown are those in black and white, Charlie Chaplin esque silent films.

I looked into vintage imagery and came up with a penny farthing, I then related this to Films by using the film reels as wheels of the farthing and attached a small projector/light to it. I wanted to make the film come from the large wheel and lead onto the lower one, however it lost the look of a penny farthing so I left it as it is. The bottom right logo was supplied to us.

Ignore the film titles at the bottom, they were just used as place holders.

Any comments and Criticisms would be grateful.

Edit: Just noticed a missing hole in the black poster wheel. Oops.