Contact form usability feedback.

Z index is a twat - Harry.

Can't really help you on the dev side of things however your contact form lacks validation, I was able to send an email without entering a proper email address and phone number.
Aww cheers for testing that Ralph much appreciated.
Yeah I know the static version just tests for empty fields where as the validation is on the Ajax version which I have currently disabled until I get this sorted. I was in a rush to get the site up, and the site is for a family member who expect payment to only be in love. So I missed it out by accident as I didn't do a full site check as I had paid work on as well, that I am now doing though and fixing the minor issues, and this big pain in the ass one.

As soon as I get this fixed I will move the Ajax validation over to the static version.
But thanks for testing it though. :)

Dude I can give you mine if you want, that's TBH easy, what is not easy is flaming IE6. :mad:
Let me know if you want mine.

Right how do I turn off CSS in IE?
As this to me is not making any sense!!!!!!
Sorry but this is really annoying me now. :(
Okay for the love of god will someone tell me what is wrong with this ~
<form action="contact-us" method="post">
<label for="a">Your name ~</label> <input type="text" name="name" id="a" /><span class="pop"></span><br />
<label for="b">Your email address <em>(optional)</em> ~</label> <input type="text" name="email" id="b" /><span class="pop"></span><br />
<label for="c">Your phone number ~</label> <input type="text" name="phone" id="c" /><span class="pop"></span><br />
<label for="d">Residential ~</label> <input id="d" type="radio" name="type" value="Residential" checked="checked" /><br />
<label for="e">Industrial ~</label> <input id="e" type="radio" name="type" value="Industrial" /><br />
<label for="f">Description of the work you would like us to do ~</label><br />
<input type="hidden" name="a" value="a" />
<textarea name="mess" id="f" ></textarea><span id="text" class="pop"></span>
<button type="submit">Contact Us</button>
As even when you turn all CSS off you still can't select it. Why does IE hate it does it want no friends?????
Right I'm using Tredsofts multiple IE to test IE6, and I can't get the forms to select on either MSN or design forums so is it an issue with Tredsoft, IE6 or both?

But I guess it's something I should take for granted that it works as I obviously can't test it, even though if it was IE6 it would explain it. :(
Cheers fella downloading it now. :angel:
Now lets see if I've just wasted 2 hours on that "problem" or not. :cry:
Tredsoft's IE6 you can't select anything text-wise. Wish I'd seen this sooner and saved you all that pain lol.
Duuuuude you wish you saw this sooner, I flaming wish you had seen this sooner and saved me all that pain, lol. :D