Brand Personality!!


What is the Brand's Personality? I never heard this types of talkz for 1st time someone ask me. please anyone clear me about this matter, I would be appreciate!
A brands "personality" is pretty much the same as referencing a persons personality. It's an in-depth look at how a brand represents itself through colour, symbols, style, context and what, if any, meanings, associations or connotations you can draw from the overall design.
You might describe yourself as a bit of a joker, someone that kids around a lot, is light hearted and funny - well a brand could have the same personality if designed appropriately.
Brand personality is the physical layout and location of the business.To attract customer attention, you need to make the personality of your business groom and charming.
I'm going to go ahead and assume that this is the language barrier creeping in again, but the brand has nothing to do with the physical layout or location of the business. I don't know what you mean by making the personality groom and charming either.
A brand is the overall presence achieved by the individual brand identities, as a whole.
Sean Lee-Amies said:
A brands "personality" is pretty much the same as referencing a persons personality. It's an in-depth look at how a brand represents itself through colour, symbols, style, context and what, if any, meanings, associations or connotations you can draw from the overall design.
You might describe yourself as a bit of a joker, someone that kids around a lot, is light hearted and funny - well a brand could have the same personality if designed appropriately.
On this thread, I would say this is the best description of a brand's personality for me. It's a concept rather than a concrete reality. An abstract noun like love, you know it but can't adequately put it into a box by describing it.
Colours, symbols, style and context yes, but above all, I think a brand's personality is made up of a synergy between the people behind the brand itself. Their goals, aims and experiences meshed together.
hope that helps...